Thursday, November 2, 2017

Would 2GB of Data per month work for someone that doesn't use their iPhone much?

I'm asking this question again in hopes that it makes more sense than my first question.

I just got a new-used iPhone and I don't use it that much. A plan hasn't been started yet and this is my first smartphone, so I was wondering if 2GB data a month would work for me once I get a plan? I know this question sounds silly for most people but like I said, I don't CONSTANTLY use my phone! I'm always doing stuff online but I do that through my laptop instead of my phone because it's easier to use the websites on a computer than a mobile device. I'm also not someone that uses Twitter or Instagram or other social media sites except for Facebook every now and then. I also don't stream stuff like music, the radio or whatever. It's just not my thing.

I mostly want the data just for something to do during my lunch break at work. Most things I already do is what I plan to use only for WiFi. I will most likely play some games, watch a couple YouTube videos, and surf the web a little during my lunch. I know streaming videos can take up data quickly (if you constantly do that) which is why I wasn't sure how well this plan would work for me.

Anyone have any advise for me? If you think 2GB isn't enough, then what should I use for data that's not connected to WiFi? I will get more GBs of data if needed but I just don't want unlimited data. Please be nice otherwise your going to be wasting your time. Believe me, I know better.

Thanks in advise to those who can help! :-)

Read more: Would 2GB of Data per month work for someone that doesn't use their iPhone much?