Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Can my job force me to miss a day of school last minute?

I work for a phone company part time while in college full time.

I go to work after school is over with 5-6 days a week.

They know school is my first priority and they knew that before they hired me and another employee.

The iPhone 6 comes out Friday and they told us they we are required to miss school no matter what although we usually come afterwards with no problem. They told us if we have a problem we should submit letters of resignation because the company is the main priority not school.

I know this is a big deal to the company but they are not trying to meet us half way at all. It's just me and another employee. They will have 23 other employees on the clock yet they are not willing to make an exception for 2 people.

Is the right? What should I do?

Read more: Can my job force me to miss a day of school last minute?