Thursday, January 21, 2016

Atheists, do you find the attitude of some other atheists embarrassing?

Now just to clarify, I have nothing against atheists. Most of you are wonderful people.

But I have noticed, most atheists have a live and let live approach to people who hold beliefs they don't. They'll have the attitude of "Well believe what you want, just don't ram it down my throat." and thats fine; I hold the same view.

But then there are these anti-theists (or anti-deists if you will). Who are just going on the attack for pretty much no reason at all. They are basically acting like immature children; because all the other kids don't want to be in their club. Yes I know atheists don't like being called anything remotely similar to a group. But you have to admit with all the Facebook groups and other internet circles, it can pretty easily be seen as that.

But anyway fighting with a person of faith (who has no intention of ramming anything down your thought, or discriminating against you, or trying to put their belief into law); is no different from the android and iPhone fanboys having a go at each other.

At this point I've actually given up on arguing with some people on here. I'm not here to be your babysitter, so grow up (you know who you are)

Read more: Atheists, do you find the attitude of some other atheists embarrassing?