Thursday, June 22, 2017

What happened to this bird?

I was working. I noticed a small bird sitting on the sidewalk outside. It was 5 am in the morning. But the sun was up and it was already hot. I live in Palm Springs ca. Desert weather.

15 minutes later. I noticed the bird hadn't moved. I went outside, put on gloves and checked it. It just sat there. It was awake. It's eyes moving. I tried to get close and sway it away. But it flapped its wings pathetically unable to fly and just continued to sit there.

I picked it up and it didn't even give me a fight. Just sat in my hands. I moved it to a grassy shaded area. I returned to work. Hour later. I saw that it was still on the grass but only moved a few feet. It was still awake, responded to my presence, but would not walk or fly away.

I left and went home. Next day. I heard it died. Found dead on the spot I left it. I guessed that the bird was sick or something. But I'm just wondering from what? It was very odd and when I told this story to a few friends they said they've encountered a few birds that acted the same way, lethargic, unable to move that much.

Thanks for any answers. I have some grainy iPhone video of it. But it's not good enough quality for me to post along with question. Thanks for any answers.

Read more: What happened to this bird?