Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Is the internet type different in the US than in other countries?

I've been living in Korea for most of my life and been playing a mobile game called Zombiego(좀비고). You're gonna have to copy paste the Korean letters if you want to take a look at the game. I've been playing this game for number of years now and I can say without a doubt that it's my #1 game. About a month ago, I had to move to the US for political reasons which I did. I started playing the game and I noticed something strange. The game was much slower and lagging despite the fact that it was an iPhone 8 Plus which should run 99 percent of the games smoothly. I emailed their customer service searching for the reasons and ways to fix this. Disappointingly, they provided me ways to boost the phone which wasn't the problem for me. I emailed them once more and they responded, "Please note that the internet speed varies from country to country, so please consider that fact as well." I was confused when I read this because they noted that the internet "speed" varies from country to country. I think they meant the internet "type" might be different in other countries because there's no way the game was slow because of the internet "speed". I'm also considering the fact that since there's a distance between the US and Korea, the server is far so that's why the game is slow. Please help me. Everytime I play this game, I'm not sure I'm having fun or stressing because the game's too slow to the point that some people would call it unplayable.

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