Sunday, September 23, 2018

If I purchased an iPhone with an apple rewards Barclay credit card and the phone is stolen what should I do?

Someone stole my gym bag which had my phone, keys and the rest of my belongings. I purchased the phone x back in may with the Barclay credit card with apple rewards, which I was just approved for at the time. Is there anything that Barclay may do to help the situation? Like file a claim or something. I filed a police report and all. Its a cruel world out there that someone would do this to a college student. It just doesn't make sense to continue to pay for a phone that is not in my possession or being used, but I do not want to ruin my credit. No, I do not have apple care. Does anyone have any suggestions? I tried to use find my iPhone and it is now in lost mode. Thanks.

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