Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Im not cool enough and nobody likes me?

Hi I'm friendly but always paranoid I think of complex scenarios using small bits of evidence and its usually false but extreme like at work when I'm cashiering I keep thinking customers think bad things about me, when they get angry I keep thinking of attacking them, but my parents taught me to attack myself and not others when I'm angry, so I have the urge to cut my arm open and get my blood on them. I'm clean, no diseases, and I'd be the one who feels the pain for their anger, and they get what they wanted, my pain, and possible demise. I hate general public so much. I can't stand how they get what they have and think nothing of it. A guy gets a girlfriend like its grocery shopping, its almost their right to be in a relationship, an obligation. Yet girls think I'm hot up until they talk to me and find out that I'm uncool… then they ditch me no matter how many gifts I make. Just because I'm bad at talking and pretending yo be cool doesn't make me unworthy. I want to put poison ivy oils in lube at the store and reseal the bottle, hahaha. See how it feels to need to abstain for a week because you got rashes… they might suicide because they can't handle no sex. Maybe they'll think they got an std hahaha. Think of the drama! Itchy rashy! Might look like herpes hehe… They'll yell at each other, throw a big ol drama fight only to find out its just a lil poison ivy (note I won't do this because its illegal) but I just wanna vent with a question… WHY IS EVERYONE SO COOL? Even hipsters with those big baseball caps and bling and their fancy iPhone cases and say "yoooo maaaan schiznet yolo" are cool. Even meth addicts get hot girls, and turn them into meth addicts too… I'm so lonely because I just won't smoke pot or get wasted and *** at a party or do booty calls

См. статью: Im not cool enough and nobody likes me?