Sunday, March 16, 2014

Does stress cause a late period?

I have had my period for 9 months now. It has been irregular which is normal. But the last 2 months Jan. And Feb. It started and ended on the same date. I was happy becuz I thought my cycle has become regular, but this month it hasn't started yet so it prob isn't regular yet. But I just hope I don't get it Sat. Becuz I am makeing Confirmation and I am wearing a white dress. It prob will knowing on special events it comes.

Idk when but I started staying up later like I think last Mon. Becuz I am on my iPhone or iPod, but I have been going to sleep later around 11 or 12. I usually go to bed at 10 becuz of school. I am waking up later and I fall back to sleep when my alarm rings lol. But my parents get mad becuz I have less time to get ready. Ik i am addicted to my phone.

Does stress cause period to be late? I am 14 if that helps or anything and my periods last always 6 days and are mostly heavy which is annoying.
And I just recently in Feb. I started to get a sign of it coming headaches. I have never had any signs what so ever. But idk please help. I have been eating normally so it isn't my weight.
Added (1). I forgot to add that I have been worrying a lot over my crush, and my friend who texted a boy in my grade that I fantasize him and I like him, which I don't. And to add to that she was nice to tell my crush over text that I didn't know how to tell him this but I really like him. Idk what he will say to me and he stares at me a lot, but I am stressing over a lot of things. The Constitution, my grades, but they are good. What people think of me, what highschool is going to be like. I think what ifs in my head and it causes me to get overwhelmed I am worrying about things that haven't even happended! Idk what is with me. Just some things that I am worried about. The worst is I am getting braces! I am excited, but deep down I am nervous. Those might be other things that are causing it to be late. Right?

Read more: Does stress cause a late period?