Saturday, December 5, 2015

Does the rubber band trick work? (OCD)?

For the longest time I've always had which… Well I believe is OCD mixed with being a Perfectionist.

I can never stand by my choices and always have a long debate on which one I should pick. I always weigh the choices on which one I should do but---again it's always a long wiegh in. I even begin to doubt the choices I made and begin to believe I picked something else. This causes me to take pictures with my iphone (if I'm able too) on the choice I made.than if I begin to think I picked something else I look at the picture and think "ahh ok I made that choice than."

Now being a perfectionist is something that always annoyed me. I always like doing things in one shot and perfect at the sametime. If I don't do it in one shot or perfect I always restart (if I'm able too) than my choices OCD kicks in saying "Oh you didn't do it one shot you're a failure. It's either do it better than perfect or stop doing it."

And… Yeah it gets very annoying for me and others. My friend says I should try using a rubber band and whenever I start thinking my choice or being perfect on things… I just snap it on my wrist.

Read more: Does the rubber band trick work? (OCD)?