Sunday, October 15, 2017

Am I being too hard on my son?

My son is 15 years old. He gets amazing grades in school and in return I reward him with various things he wants (apple tv, new iphone, PS4, a tarantula, and new shoes). At home he is very uncooperative and ignores things I tell him to do so as punishment I told him I will no longer be rewarding him for his grades until he adjust his attitude. Ever since I did that he has become so rebellious. One of my biggest rules is no girls in his room and he broke that rule so I took away all the things he likes the most and we got into a big argument over it and he tried to punch me so I penned him down until he relaxed. I feel like i've been too hard on him and that is why he's acting this way.

Read more: Am I being too hard on my son?