Sunday, October 15, 2017

Do we seriously need basic education on what makes capitalism work and why that doesn't apply to healthcare?

Here's how a capitalist exchange works:

Case A:
Customer: I want the new iPhone.
Apple: That'll be $12,000
Customer: I'm not getting the new iPhone

Case B:
Customer: I want the new iPhone and I have $4.
Apple: Then you're not getting the new iPhone

Case C:
Customer: I want the new iPhone
Apple: That'll be $1000
Customer: I hate you but here ya go.

Notice how the answer was "no" in Cases A and B. Now here's how healthcare works:

Case A:
Customer: I need a surgery and my life depends on it.
Hospital: That'll be $12,000
Customer: Well the alternative is dying, so sure.

Case B:
Customer: I need a surgery, my life depends on it, and I have $4.
Hospital: That's not enough.
*6 months later*
Customer: I'm in cardiac arrest.
Hospital: That'll be $24,000.
Customer: I still have $4.
Hospital: Well we have to save you.
Customer: Thanks.

Case C:
Customer: I'm sick, but it's not life-threatening and I can say no to the price.
Pharmacy: Here's some affordable drugs.

It would be shaky to call something capitalism if one side couldn't say no. But when NEITHER side can say no, how is it even a debate?

Read more: Do we seriously need basic education on what makes capitalism work and why that doesn't apply to healthcare?