Wednesday, July 18, 2018

How to fix a text messaging issue on my iPhone 6S?

I work in a hospital. No one is allowed to use cell phones during work because they can disrupt medical equipment. Some of my friends use iPhones and others use Android phones. My phone might be off when they text me. If I turn on my phone after work, I won't receive their texts. Sometimes, they call and ask me if I got their message about something urgent. I usually say it never came to my phone. It's true that their messages never reach my phone. If they text me when my phone is on, I receive their texts right away. My work shifts in the hospital vary a lot. So, my friends don't know when my phone is on. I went to BOTH my mobile carrier and Apple Store and talked about my phone issue with them. They couldn't figure out a solution. My iPhone 6S is now using IOS Version 11.4.1. I have been looking for a solution online, but none of the solutions I found worked.

Does anyone have a way to solve my phone problem?

Read more: How to fix a text messaging issue on my iPhone 6S?