Tuesday, January 22, 2013

IPhone 4S or Android, your advice/ opinion?

Should I get an iPhone 4S or switch to an Android?

My contract is just about up with my iPhone 4. There is a zero percent chance that I will throw away all of my 30-pin devices because, well, why? In England they outlawed proprietary device chargers. Apple was not paying attention. I suppose that goes with a big ego.It would appear as though Apple wishes to commit what I call "Stupicide."

As for myself I will either get an Apple 4S or just switch to an Android next month. If and only if Apple changes back to the 30-pin will I remain "loyal."

Also which service do you like for the 4S and Android? Note that Verizon is not in the running due to their hassling me on a $2.45 balance 15 years ago.It took me 2 months to get that off my credit report with the assistance of the BBB. I still see complaints about their so-called customer service.So they are out of my life, for life. Which provider, Cricket maybe?
Added (1). Is the iPhone 5 proprietary charger is the beginning of their end?
>>> IPhone 4S or Android, your advice/ opinion?