Saturday, March 2, 2013

Psychology test - Can you describe my character from these 30 books I own?

I've always believed that the books someone owns is a reflection of their character and personality.In fact, I believe you can probably know everything about a person by the books they read.

So, lets put this to the test, here are 30 random books from the top row of my bookshelf: I'll give a top answer to the person who I think was the closest.

1. Newspeak in the 21st century by Media Lens
2. Jilted generation by Ed Howker & Shiv Malik
3. Confessions of an economic hit-man by John Perkins
4. I'm not the only one by George Galloway
5. 23 Things they don't tell you about capitalism by Ha-Joon Chang
6. Life's a pitch by Stephen Bayley & Roger Mavity
7. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
8. Oxford Business Dictionary
9. The abolition of Britain by Peter Hitchens
10. Freedoms Battle - The origins of humanitarian intervention by Gary J. Bass
11. The New Machiavelli - How to wield power in the modern world by Jonathan Powell
12. Endgame - The problem with civilization by Derrick Jenson
13. How shall I live my life by Derrick Jenson
14. Bring on the apocalypse - 6 arguments for global justice by George Monbiot
15. Escape from corporate hell by Pamela Slim
16. Smart Start-ups - Make a fortune starting online communities by David Silver
17. Here comes everybody - Power of organizing without organizations by Clay Shirky
18. Sams Teach yourself Ajax, JavaScript, and PHP by Ballard Moncur
19.iPhone app development by Craig Hockenberry
20. Graphics Alive by Viction: ary
21. Pioneers of modern graphic design by Jeremy Aynsley
22. The propaganda Bureau by A. W.Montford
23. Building Open-Source apps by Cole Russell Whyte
24. Wikinomics by Don Tapscott & Anthony D. Williams
25. Oxford French Dictionary
26. Evolutionary Psychology by Dylan Evans & Oscar Zarate
27. Bill Hicks - Love all the people by John Lahr
28. A clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
29. How the mind works by Steven Pinker
30. Anarchy - Noam Chomsky
>>> Psychology test - Can you describe my character from these 30 books I own?