Friday, September 29, 2017

Why should I owe the government money back in taxes while keke living in section 8 has an iPhone 8, mercedes benz suv, and gets lobster?

With her food stamp card? I drive a 2011 Chevy aveo thst needs work done and can barely get financial aid for school. It makes me mad how I have to pay back taxes while a woman who has no education or skills can live off of taxpayers and drive a luxury suv and get food stamps. They need to abolish welfare and only give it to those who truly need it. We need to encourage high school students to graduate and learn trades. I can barely afford food but can't get government assistance because I have no kids. It is sad that a bartender, medical assistant, or etc has to suffer while these lazy people get everything while I struggle. Some of us took the time to become something in life and not spent our high school years getting D's and F's. I guess people who were D average students in high school are the ones on section 8 with the iPhone 8.

Read more: Why should I owe the government money back in taxes while keke living in section 8 has an iPhone 8, mercedes benz suv, and gets lobster?