Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Why is my iPhone GPS acting wonky?

Whenever I'm driving and I turn on my GPS, it starts out just fine. However, as I continue on the path, sometimes the compass begins to float off course even though I'm going the correct way. Then Siri will tell me to "proceed to the route", even though I'm already on the route. Furthermore, if I do end up going the wrong way or passing up a turn, my GPS takes FOREVER to redirect me in the right direction.

I'm wondering if it is something wrong with the actual phone (I bought this phone used) or if the problem is with my service provider (I use Virgin Mobile which is owned by Sprint). If the second option is the issue, then I guess switching service providers would help?

I recently just started driving with Lyft, so fixing this problem is a must. Thank you.

Read more: Why is my iPhone GPS acting wonky?