Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Why isn't society like the 1960's hippies flower power sexual revolution?

People are boring now! laptops, iphones, why can't people start a revolution and go against smartphone's and laptops and start partying and having fun destroying the electronic gadgets and
go against the status quo! everybody does the same thing in every major city! take a stand now and
slam your laptop and smartphone on the floor get butt naked and go dancing in the streets!
we need a revolution in 2013 just like the one in the 1960's i am tired of seeing the same thing
everywhere i go people texting or holding a smartphone in their hand! i want to see something
different in society everybody is the same! will society ever change and do something else
go fly a damm kite, play with water guns, play in the mud, go streaking, go rollerskating, i hate 2013
it is boring everybody acts like a robot! does anyone else see this in society?

См. статью: Why isn't society like the 1960's hippies flower power sexual revolution?