Thursday, August 21, 2014

How to too her before someone gets hurt?

My friend is hell of jealous at times.
I'm not going to beat around the bush with this but my parents are rich and I have the newest iPhone (which made her tell me a whole speech about how she wants the one that will come out later and brag about more stuff )and my best friend's parents are rich too.
My mom is strict but I get rewarded when I deserve to while her parents spoil her until they find her irresponsible to buy or pay for anything she wants.
I have always been very social and it's started since we met.
Each time I said something she tops it and one day (I know I'm 15 but) we were drunk at one of my parties and she kept on rambling about how much she hated me for being so me.
She was drunk too and I took it as a joke but now she can't stop trying to top all I say and I've moved back to Belgium lately and I got new friends and it's awesome but she is my best friend we stay in contact. I love her she is my best friend! But each time she tries and tries but all this leads to is boring me.
She gets mad quickly and I use to be really popular because I was pretty when I still went to her school and it made it quite hard for me to make friends because of that because I'm kinda batshit crazy but I love her for being my friend but how do I stop this competition?
I don't want to loose my friend because she wants competition.Each time I go to parties and I phone or skype her coming back she gets bitter and sneers sometimes.Keep in mind that I don't want to loose her please help!

Read more: How to too her before someone gets hurt?