Friday, October 3, 2014

How to break up with him, how do I tell him? I wanna do it right?

So I met this guy about 2 month in a half ago and since then he has been the guy I been dating and only dealing with.
ever since I been with him my life has gotten a little more complicated he doesn't really have a stable income sometimes he gets called to go to work and sometimes he doesn't. Therefore, I'm the one who mostly pays for the expensive a when we go out and with time that accumulates and turns into a lot. Don't get me wrong he has paid like 5 times that we have gone out. He even talked me through getting him the new iPhone 6 while I'm stuck on my cracked iphone5.
He is a smart guy and I really care for him but being with him is only costing me money. I like him but it's sad how I have to invest so much in this relationship this early. I want to walk always but I tell my self that eventually he will get better and that I have to remain strong.
When he goes to work I get him lunch, it's even been to the point that I have lend him my car to go to work or drop me off someone where while he keeps my car.
The crazy part is that I don't know why I'm so stuck to him. He has 4 kids and 3 different baby momas Despite all that i know he is a good and smart person and that if I stay with him I could help him get better. I'm a cute 20 year old latina that is employed and goes to college and he is 22 African America and employed.
We only have had sex 3 times to finish it off. I know it's a few but he's not really an active guy or maybe it's just with me. How do I cut it off

Read more: How to break up with him, how do I tell him? I wanna do it right?