Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My body twitches all the time?

I used to just get little twitches here and there, sometimes on my eye, on my hands, ect. But just recently (for about a month or two) I am twitching 24/7. First my eye twitched for about 20 minutes straight and it wouldn't stop. Now sometimes in the car my leg randomly shakes, or when I carefully zoom in a picture on my iPhone, my hand starts moving like crazy and I have no control. I even went biking the other day, and when I stopped I put one foot on the ground and rested one foot on my pedal. While it was resting it all of a sudden started moving up and down (a seesaw motion) really fast. I know it is not caused by lack of sleep, because on average I go to bed at 11:00 and wake up at 8:00. Any explanations?

Read more: My body twitches all the time?