Saturday, May 7, 2016

Are you aware books may not be around anymore in our lifetime?

I mean books in the physical and tangible sense, made of paper. Of course books will stay, but they'll all become online.
Technology is advancing so quickly right now, that there are going to be so many changes to our world we cant yet comprehend. If people lived without iphones only 10 years ago, then in 10 years what would they be saying we were living without today? In some decade books will just stop being around. Everything is being digitised around the world. Libraries are using equipment to scan and process documents, books, articles, etc. In the thousands every day. Once everything gradually becomes online, and people begin to turn more and more to technology, new generations will become born into these circumstances and will view it as the norm. Physical books will become extinct. When you go into a library these days, the majority of people are using the technology section, and not much of the book section. This is what i have observed from many local libraries. Now this is of course a very small part of the picture. I am not arguing whther this is good nor bad. I am just putting this idea out there that i have briefly discussed with my teacher in my extension history class.

Read more: Are you aware books may not be around anymore in our lifetime?