Saturday, September 29, 2012

Your opinion? Android Razr M vs Iphone 4?

My family is all eligible for upgrades so we are all getting smartphones. Since the IPhone 4 is free now, it's either that, or pay a little bit of money for an android.My brother got the IPhone for his birthday, my dad got the Razr M, and my mom is picking out another android. I'm just torn between which is better. The Razr M or Iphone 4 (since it's an older IPhone make)? I realize I would have to pay some money for the Android but it would be a birthday present or I would just pay if I wanted it a lot more. The main thing I am concerned about is that I hear Iphones break easily and this Razr M doesn't. Any other pros/cons for each?
Added (1). I'm a college junior so I don't really care about being trendy, I just want a good and sturdy phone.
>>> Your opinion? Android Razr M vs Iphone 4?