Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Why do kids have Phones like the IPhone at such a young age?

I'm going to grade 8 and literally everyone in my grade last year had an IPhone or BlackberryZ10 except me. I didn't really care because I knew that I could still talk to people face to face. I wasn't until the last month of school until I figured out I coukdn't do that anymore. All of my friends had phones which they were over addicted to. Whenever I went to talk to them they wold always be on their IPhones. I tried to go and talk to them but they wouldn't put down their phones.So I gave up and started hanging out with my younger friends (Grade 4, 5, 6). But they also had phones, which they would never put down. Why does this have to happen. Can't people ever my age engage on real life conversation. I miss the days when kids would come over to each others houses hand out (play Video Games etc.) and have tons of fun just like that. What happened with the '00 kids?
Added (1). I'm not getting a phone until highschool, and that is my parent's final decision.
Oh and can't kids just get normal phones instead of smartphones. I think that only techsavy kids deserve smartphones and also if they are mature enough to put them down.

См. статью: Why do kids have Phones like the IPhone at such a young age?