Monday, December 9, 2013

Stuff randomly turning on. Paranormal or just strange?

So earlier (forgot what time, i think around 10pm) i turned on the tv and the fan turned on (metal fans that stand up). The tv also didn't make the usual sound a sony normally makes when it's turned on. And about 2 mins ago at 1:23am (yes i get insomnia) my iPhone wasn't recognising my dock like it normally does. It would play music only if i pressed play rather than automatic and it wouldn't charge. I tried again and it charged for 2 second then it said it was not supported. It worked fine this morning. So i decided to reboot my iPhone and then as I'm rebooting it (with the power and home buttons) my iPod dock makes a noise as if a speaker is unplugged from a stereo (which it never does and don't think it can do unless forced) and the little screen flickers and the iPod setting turns off. Weird. Could it be some paranormal thing? Its not like i believe in that stuff but who knows. Theres never really concrete evidence and it would be cool if it was something
Added (1). okay well i tried again with my ipod touch and classic and it didnt work for them either then it started flickering and making the weird unplugged speaker noise again and turned off again. i check the cables and its all good. it just randomly started working again about a min after the flickering

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