Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Should I bother trying to save this relationship?

I have been seeing a man 13 years my senior for about 7 months. He's 50, I am 37. I am exasperated at his behavior change since I moved in with him a month ago. First, his 4 ex-gf's, whom he has "stayed friends with" are constantly coming over. He emails them everyday and when I inquire about what he writes, he gets defensive and says "it's none of your business!" He takes off from our home without telling me that he's leaving, oftentimes with one of the exes. I am feeling abandoned and sad. He no longer shows me any affection, says I'm wrongly mistrustful of him and it turns him off. I cannot see what changed so drastically; when we got together, he would pout when I would spend too long on my iPhone, instead of giving him attention. True, I have on 1 or 2 occasions made accusations, but I also apologized after I made them. He runs from my questions and confusion by getting mad and storming away, refusing to talk to me.
Does anyone have an educated opinion or had a similar situation unfold in a relationship? What did you do?

Read more: Should I bother trying to save this relationship?