Tuesday, March 10, 2015

What prejudices you make of people who belongs to those religions?

I make some prejudices. I do not take them as reality before I get to know somebody because I'm aware that it's just stereotypes programmed in my brain. But I have them non the less and those thoughts just come up, can't do anything about it. What about you?

Christian - A person who is extremely likable if you are Christian yourself but against non Christians comes out as arrogant and offensive. Very often is hypocrite. Very often promotes hate and is annoys people by pushing their beliefs on others when nobody asks for that.

Buddhist - A down to earth person who is very calm and pleasant to talk to. Very boring tho when it comes to having fun time. Gets invited to parties only to drive drunk people home, other than that nobody really cares about him being there. In party they talks to nobody and sits in corner on iPhone.

Muslim - A ladies man. A pimp. Ya wanna go with this guy at club to pick up girls. He's little bit of a cocky too. Work's out and is in good shape. He himself has slept with many females but gonna marry only virgin. Looks at women only as a sex objects or a servant for household duties. Shows it tho only after marriage. Very controlling in relationship.

Wiccan - Dark, emo kind of looking person. Does magic spells. Don't mess with this guys or girl, their gonna curse you. People are little afraid of them. Have only like one or two friends. Not social. Never gets invited to parties. Get's in fights a lot. Probably wears leather.
Added (1). Hindu - A brown person. Very hippy. Loughts a lot, smokes weed, meditates. Is talkative. Everybody likes them but nobody is close friend to them.
Added (2). So those are mine. How about yours? Share, just for fun! :D

Read more: What prejudices you make of people who belongs to those religions?