Sunday, December 27, 2015

What to do about over controlling roommate?

I met my roommate at school we had a class together and became friends. It was great and we had a lot of common interests. Sooner or later we moved in together and I started seeing a different side to her. She is always asking questions and wants to know my business. If I get a package she wants to know what it is. She keeps pestering me with texts and face to face conversations and asks me if something is wrong when I m quiet because she thinks I m mad at her. When the only thing making me mad is when she keeps asking if I am mad. I m a quiet person and only speak when I need to. One day I got out of the shower (we have our own bathrooms) and got a text from her while she was in the other room with her stating that I was in the shower for too long. One day I left a bowl in my room in a hurry to go to school and she went into my room without my permission and took it. She did the same thing when I was at my boyfriends house for the night and took my iPhone charger without my consent. I think it s rude and unacceptable for her to go into my room at all because it s my room and I pay to live in it.

Read more: What to do about over controlling roommate?