Thursday, January 14, 2016

I have a big problem at school, advice please?

This is a long story, but I really need help…

So yesterday I let a girl at school borrow my phone, I'm gay but only my friends know so I didn't do it because I have a crush on her or anything… She said that she almost overdosed and talking to people helps but she isn't very trustworthy so I don't know if she was telling the truth but she does self harm, it's on her wrist. Anyway, today she wasn't in school so she couldn't give me my phone back so I started to panic, then I realised that there are inappropriate images on my phone and me and my best friend have sent nude photos of other people at school to each other, I know we shouldn't share that stuff but we did. The girl who has my phones mother is very strict arabic and does not allow her daughter to have a phone so that's why she borrowed mine.

We didn't want to tell a teacher incase the mother goes through the phone but it's the weekend now so I won't get the phone back over the weekend… I erased the phone with find my iPhone but I'm not sure if its too late but the phone is offline anyway now to it won't erase until it connects to the internet. My parents don't know so I'm making excuses and I'm using an old phone. I'm scared that the girl might not come back to school because her mother wants to homeschool her.

If school went through my phone I would get suspended, what should I do?

Read more: I have a big problem at school, advice please?