Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How to get Blackberry Messenger (BBM) on iPhone?

I'm aware that the BBM pin can only be provided by the Blackberry phone. I'm wondering if there's a way to hack it so I can get BBM on my iPhone 4S.
And no I don't need WhatsApp / LINE / beejive or any other messengers, I just need the BBM.
Thanks in advance for the helpful answers :)
Added (1). @Nicole: hey f***tard, you don't need to state that the sky is blue and banana is yellow ok moron? I clearly already have iMessage and need Blackberry Messenger but ofcourse a f***tard like you can't read. Your basic, idiotic and unhelpful answer is not needed so jump up your own *** and die alright ;)
>>> How to get Blackberry Messenger (BBM) on iPhone?