Thursday, May 15, 2014

Why do people think I'm complaining when I comment on something?

But I'm really not? And I'll say things in a nice calm tone, and firstly I'm not even complaining just making an observation.

Like I was at a Baseball game with my brother in law. And I noticed all these people taking selfies with their Iphones and I mention to my brother in law: "Wow. All these people with smart phones!" and my brother in law was like, "it's fine…"

Or I was with some friends one time at a smoothie place. And as we were sitting, I noticed how crazy this machine was mixing stuff and I was like "Wow, that machine! That's crazy!" And then one of my friends was like "It's fine…"

I just don't get it! I was just pointing out something interesting, not complaining.

Read more: Why do people think I'm complaining when I comment on something?