Friday, June 20, 2014

I dropped my iphone 5S in water?!

Okay so i dropped my iphone 5S in water about 2 and a half hours ago,
i immediately took it out and dried it as much as possible, and because i have a cracked screen, and all of the upper right hand corners glass has come of, the water must have gotten through and the water started seeping in to the screen, i turned it off and put it in a zip lock bag full or rice, and its been there for the past 2 hours now.
I just turned it on to see if anythings happened, and it was all cloudy, the right half bright and left side really grey, and there were dots everywhere.
I checked to see if there was the red light but there was nothing so no internal damage, i think anyway.

Ive put it back in the bag and in a drawer for the nights, its 1 am now and i need to have it turned on by atleast 4pm tomorrow afternoon,
Would it be okay to use tomorrow if its not cleared up by then?
Will this ever go away?
oh and on monday (its saturday today) Im suppose to be getting a new screen put on, would that help either?

Read more: I dropped my iphone 5S in water?!