Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Scary and paranormal dream?

I just woke up 20minutes ago and I had this really strange dream.
Me and my bestfriend are in my room trying clothes, my dad brings us something to eat, then we start hearing voices..really creepy ones. Then suddenly when I try on a shirt
Somebody pull it. Then I don't know why my dad comes into the room and start yelling at us, even at
My bf, so i tell him 'why are you yelling at her???' and he says 'I don't know why!!' and puts his hands into his hair.
Then a baby comes into my room, and we are all like ' awww so cute! ' and he start pointing at one point and saying 'that's my mom' but we (my dad, I, bf) cant see anyone. Then I standup and hear 'listen to the ultrasounds..I'm your worst enemy, I'm your worst enemy'

This was my dream, sorry for the tipying mistakes I just woke up and I'm tipying from my iPhone
>>> Scary and paranormal dream?