Thursday, August 16, 2012

Google Chat on your iPod without WiFi or 3G?

I doubt it's possible, but I need to contact my mom and my phone has a very low volume and I just can't understand how to fix it.So I bring my iPod everywhere, hoping there's WiFi. Otherwise, I don't really know what to do.Is there a FREE app allowing my iPod to GOOGLE chat with no WiFi? I don't want random apps that others have to buy too, I want GOOGLE chat since my mom's iPhone has a data plan and she can chat wherever she is. Here are some apps I've tried and failed: Vtok, Google Chat
I need a way to contact my mom temporarily without WiFi. I would LOVE it if you can help.
Don't tell me the "lite" versions, like the ones you have to pay after a certain amount of whatever.

- Katylin
Added (1). @Whitsey
Thanks. I sort of already knew that but I wanted to know if anyone made a way to ignore it.So this question is still open and I want to know if anyone made and app ignoring it.
>>> Google Chat on your iPod without WiFi or 3G?