Monday, November 19, 2012

I am always tired and my body aches. Why?

I usually get about nine hours of sleep and I am ALWAYS tired. I do not even know how I am able to survive through each day.As I type this message on Yahoo! Answers, I am yawning and am feeling very tired (or fatigued). I have not felt good for many years and I am only 17. I am 5' 7" and I weigh 108lbs. I have been to the doctor, but they continue to not listen…

I do not have a good diet… I am the worst eater. I only eat a few foods, most of which are served once a week in my household. I would say the only healthy meal I eat each week is Italian Chicken, Broccoli, and Mac n' Cheese. I usually snack and eat pizza. If I could eat chicken everyday, I would. I am probably one of the world's worst eaters, as I am actually "afraid" of some foods. If you get near me with an egg, I will literally freak out.It is a problem that the doctors say I will grow out of, but I doubt I will. I have never been a good eater and I never will be. I can not stand the texture, smell, etc.of most foods. I guess that explains my weight problem… though I would expect to weigh more, considering I eat so much junk food and I am not active at all.

I am also always in so much pain… on some days, I can barely walk, as I have pain that originates in my knees which goes up and down my legs.It is very painful and sometimes I feel like I am going to fall… I do have balancing problems and I trip far too often. I have been to the doctor for my knees too, which the doctor simply ignored… he did an x-ray. I think I need an MRI or CT Scan.

I have very bad OCD -- I cannot even begin to tell you how badly this impacts my life and the daily struggles I go through to cope with my obsessions.It takes me nearly 30 minutes to actually begin to fall asleep -- I constantly check my phone to make sure my alarm clock is set. I am very protective of my belongings, making sure they are aligned evenly with the table and away from anything that could harm them (belongings include my MacBook, iPhone, Etc.).

I also suffer from Aspergers Syndrome. I believe that I am Bipolar, as I have mood swings every few months. I have never mentioned this to my psychiatrist. I basically go through periods of feeling great to periods of feeling depressed -- which I believe stem from my obsessions and a lack of social life.

I do not think I will ever be happy and I definitely can not keep living like this… between constant worry, obsessive thoughts, and chronic tiredness, I do not think I will ever be able to survive working in a professional environment, much less keep a steady job.

and I can not seem to make my family understand…

I had to go back and edit this before publishing the question… because I had two sentences/paragraphs that had a single word standing on its own line… that drives me crazy! I also sometimes randomly capitalize words to make a sentence look right.
>>> I am always tired and my body aches. Why?