Saturday, November 24, 2012

How to Have More of a Social Life?

Im a 13 year old girl in the 7th grade.My problem is that i want more of a social life like all the rest of my friends. I only have 4 real "Friends" that i hang out with at school and they dont even invite me places with them or even text me. I have plenty of people that i'm fairly friends with, but they never make an effort to speak to me, and when i do i just get awkward looks and short responses. I never get any texts.Im starting to get so lonely and every time i think about what a loser i am im practically in tears.Im almost starting to envy other people that have the social life that i want.In example, I have a half sister (Same dad, different moms) who is the exact same age as me and same grade and all. Just Yesterday my dad took us to get the Iphone 4s, and My sister already has like 6 people texting her, and her phone's ringing off the hook. But the only person that texted me was my mom and thats because i texted her first saying goodnight.Im just tired of walking by myself in the hallways and staying in on the weekends while everyone else is out at parties and going to the mall. Please dont tell me to make friends, because im not good at it and-As Shallow as this may sound-I only want to be friends with the "cool" people, because they're the only ones who actually have social lives, and if your hanging with lame people, you get talked about and bullied to a pulp. Trust me, i've been bullied numerous times before and i only recently put a stop to it, so i dont want to go back. I mean, i think myself that im fairly "cool". I dress nice, alot of people tell me im pretty, i have most of the things the cool people have, if not more (not trying to brag). I just dont understand. Please dont tell me to join clubs or activities because when i tried out for volleyball and made the team the other girls would constantly talk about me and led me to quitting the team and i dont wanna go into that again.Im so sorry if this is to long for you to read i just need help
>>> How to Have More of a Social Life?