Monday, December 31, 2012

I really need a job but I'm scared?

Don't judge me but I'm eighteen years old. The only job I've ever had was when I was twelve and I delivered newspapers twice a week. I tutor people at the college and get paid around $70 but my paycheck hasn't come in yet… And that's only enough to pay for my iPhone bill…

I seriously need a job but I'm terrified of people. Like, I'm scared of screwing up or getting fired or having to talk to people… I want a job where I won't have to work with people and can do my own thing. Something easy… I absolutely DON'T want to work retail or be a waitress but what else is there? I thought about being a maid but I suck at cleaning… I don't know. I need major help (not mental help, you buttheads).

Suggestions? :|
Added (1). @Julie: That sounds like a good idea, except I'm not very strong. But maybe just the idea of working nights somewhere?
>>> I really need a job but I'm scared?