Saturday, December 1, 2012

Is this being ungrateful/ thankful?

I had my eye on the samsung galaxy for some months now. Had no idea my boyfriend was getting me an iphone day recently we were discussing me purchasing a new phone. He was like before u go out and do that… i got you one for xmas! I was surprised because i didnt expect it. He told me it was an iphone5.i Have nothing against the phone i think its cute and it does just enough but only basic to me. I really wanted the galaxy3. Well is it ungratefull if i ask him could we exchange it? i mean what he paid for the iphone is same price as the galaxy.i can see myself asking but im kinda nervous i dont want him to think im ungratefull :( !
Added (1). A ring and a phone is 2 different things !! I cant be stuck with a phone i dont care to much for. However a ring is a symbol of LOVE… our love is beautiful no question i would love it !
Added (2). @ ava.u make me feel so bad. @ same time..him consulting me first or doing research to find out what i liked. He simple went on what "he thought would be nice". Iphone to me is to basic. && android has so0o many more features. @ end of day i should be happy with a gift. NOT "Well if i had such and such that would be soo much better" !
>>> Is this being ungrateful/ thankful?