Saturday, December 1, 2012

Long distance relationship help? '?

I'm 15, I live in england. Have a 17 year old boyfriend who lives in northen ireland. We only really talk on bbm but he's getting an iphone for christmas so we're not gonna be able to talk as much. Every weekend we will try and skype for at least an hour but to me that isn't long enough. Sometimes he will phone me or I will phone him too. I'm really worried about him getting an iphone because I'm worried we are going to drift apart and talk less. I'm not worried about him cheating because I know he won't but I just can't cope with not talking to him. :'( He is coming over to see me at some point next year but I doubt that it will be until may or june at least. I keep crying all the time because I miss him so much and everytime he phones me I cry down the phone to him. He keeps saying things like "wish you were here right now, I would be hugging you tight and never let go" when he says that it makes me miss him even more and I get very jealous of my friends who have boyfriends who live near them. Words can't describe how much I'm in love with him but I can't show it because he lives so far away! Any help here would be much appreciated. Thanks<3
>>> Long distance relationship help? '?