Saturday, December 6, 2014

How to afford an apartment on your own?!

I have wealthyish parents who have always paid for everything, college, clothes, phone, groceries, etc. I dropped out of college and want to make my own way. I looked up what I could make with a part-time entry-level job (bc of my health i don't think i could handle full-time) and i found out i could afford at most to pay 348/mo… But no apartments where i wanna live are available for that price… How is it done?! I wanna know what i have to do, and what kind of job i have to have, to be able to afford to live and have a safe apartment. I mean, i have an iphone right now… I don't think i could pay those bills myself. How do people do it?! I just want tips on exactly what income i need, and what all my expenses will be, what i need to do to move out on my own.

Read more: How to afford an apartment on your own?!