Monday, September 10, 2012


Ok, so I'm very unhappy at my current high school (I'm starting year 10 this week) and I hate all my teachers, I also hate 99.8% of my school.It's just a horrible environment to be in. I've just learnt my best friend has been talking about me behind my back  and so has many other people.It's not like I'm fond of them, but it hurts to know my own BEST FRIEND did too. Last year I applied to transfer schools and they declined me, and tbh I had some really bad excuses to move. Does anyone know what I could put this year? Should I also make my mum have a meeting with my head of year about it? Please answer!!!

P.S My mm has agreed to let me move schools since she knows currently how unhappy I am at this school. I my 'bestfriend' is talking behind my back is because everyone else is. I just need to a realllly good excuse to transfer schools:'( I dont want to say that I'm getting bullied because they will try to investigate and ask around school and putting more people in my business.

P.S.S I hate my teachers cause they think they're better than me and they constantly pick me out of the crowd which I really don't like.

P.S.S.S Sorry for any grammar, spelling or punctuation mistakes as I am on my iPhone.