Monday, November 26, 2012

Camera/Flash/Mirror - Which one is most accurate!

So. Depending on what type of camera I use, I look completely different. The iPhone 5 for example. I look COMPLETELY different than how I look in the mirror/with my 12.1 MP camera.

When I take pics with my Sony Cybershot (Flash on), I look pretty much how I look in the mirror (Only reversed, obviously). But I still look similar/I'm happy with how I look.

I just wish I knew which one was the most accurate. I don't like how the iPhone camera makes me look at all.

Is the higher MP camera more accurate? I really hope so. I hear a lot of people say that flash makes them look gross, but for me, I look similar to how I look in the mirror when I use flash. Which I'm happy with. The iPhone camera kinda depresses me though, because I look so different.
>>> Camera/Flash/Mirror - Which one is most accurate!