Sunday, November 18, 2012

How to get over a really bad night? - 1

Last night i got so drunk i really dont know what to do with myself.i'm usually good when it comes to drinking, and i always know what i'm doin and the next morning i can always remember it.

firstly, i have NO money and used almost all my parents to go out, which i feel so awful for because i never borrow money off them.

i lost my car keys and my house key and had to call my brother at 5am to let me in the house, i feel so awful.and getting a new car key or new locks is not cheap at all.and im so pissed off at myself for even losing them in the first place.i phoned all of my mates to check their bags and phoned the taxicompany, train station and bus company 100 times and they havent found my keys.

i also smashed my brand new iphone which again isnt cheap and it doesnt even turn on or work now.oh and i lost my phone charger… i dont even know why i took it out with me? im so stupid!

and as i had no cash left the taxi had to drop me a 20 minutes walk from my house, and i was so drunk i couldnt even walk properly it was awful.and i needed a wee so bad and thought it would be a good idea to just wet myself, so i was walking home through town after i wet myself.

when i couldnt get in my house i just led down on the floor in the middle of my road and was crying.i dont know if any of my neighbors saw me out their window or anything but its just so embarassing and i remember i just felt so horrible and so upset :(

i have well and truly learnt my lesson and will never drink like that ever again, and i dont even drink like that usually! im just so angry at myself and i dont know if i did something to annoy my friends because they are being weird with me today…

it wasnt even a good night.i dont remember it but i went out in the same town that all my workmates go out in and im worried they might have seen me or something and i made a fool out of myself.all i remember is spending practically all night in a taxi going different places and then feeling so ill i had to bail and go home.i left town at 3:30 and didnt get to my house until 5am! how did that even happen??? i live a 5 minute taxi drive which means the 20 minute walk took me almost 1 hour and a half?

i know in a few years i will look back and laugh but how can i stop feeling bad now? i literally just keep crying its so awful, im so stupid.i ahve no money to repair my belongings and my parents are so mad at me
>>> How to get over a really bad night? - 1