Sunday, November 25, 2012

IPhone data is being used without me knowing?

I've had my new phone now for only 5 days. Today I got a text from Verizon telling me that I have used half of my data already.My data plan is for 2gb a mo.and I did research and there is no way I have used that much.

I have gone online everyday and altogether, I've probably been online for like 8 hours. 6 or 7 of those hours being used through m home wi-fi, so it shouldn't go against my data anyways.

One of my friends told me it might be Siri who's causing this problem. I've only used her a couple times, but my friend said it might be using my data without me knowing.

PLEASE HELP! I've only had this for 5 days!!! And I've already run into this! thanks
>>> IPhone data is being used without me knowing?