Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Should i text him! =] (I'll help u too!)?

Hi! Okay so i've know this guy forever. When we were little we had big crushes on each other but we just close friends. Then when we were like 13 we had a fall out (which stunk). Now were both 14 and were becoming close again. We started talking a lot again over a weekend my family spend with his. Okay no heres the thing. I kinda have a little thing for him (not like i want him as my boyfriend necessarily) and i think he might have a little thing for me, too. Anyway i saw him on Christmas Eve and he was showing me his ipod touch (we were with some other friends to) and i said i got an iphone so then our friend Jill goes "So now you guys can text!" and hes like "Yeah, i guess! =]" and im like "Oh hey yeah we can! =}" so then im like "Whats you imessage thing?" and hes like "___" so i go "Here type it" and he was gonna type it but then my friend Olivia is like "Oh here Christian do mine!!" but he just like looked over at her ipod she was holding out to him and then types his iMessage on mine lol. Then i just sent him "Helloooo" so he would get mine. Anyway now it's Christmas Day. Should i text him Merry Christmas? Or wait until like a week to text him? Again i say I dont REALLY like him that way but kinda lol! Help!
Added (1). (Also, i sent a big message to a bunch of friends earlier today but stupid me didn't add him.would he think its weird if i just send a Merry Christmas to him? Or would it be more 'normal' if i sent it to him and some other people? Or would he feel special if it was just him lol!?)
>>> Should i text him! =] (I'll help u too!)?