Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I want to move out when I am 18, how do I do this?

Background: I'm 17 and I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. I will talk to my parents more about moving out when I turn 18 (April), graduate, and get a job. I just don't want to bring this up with them now because then it turns into a whole discussion with my extended family, and I'd rather retain my privacy (hence why I want to move out in the first place). I'm not a huge spender, usually keep money around for months.

Question 1) I'm looking for a studio apartment. What usually comes with a studio apartment (refrigerator, stove, microwave?)

Question 2) How much do utilities usually run up?

Question 3) Does internet come with an apartment nowadays, or do I need to get my own?

Question 4) What type of insurance would I need? I am interested in becoming financially independent as soon as I can.My guess is car insurance and renters insurance. How much would this usually cost for an 18 year old male?

Question 5) How much is taken out of my paycheck for taxes?

Question 6) Cell phone plan? I have an iPhone 3GS right now. I'm not a heavy texter (probably less than 20 texts a month, usually ignore people's texts). I don't usually use the phone much either. For some reason the plans seem expensive, but then again I have no idea how it works.

Question 7) What essentials do I need before moving out (my own dishes, eating and cooking utensils, towels, etc.)?

Question 8) What's a good amount to set aside for gas? I drive a Ford F150, and driving to and from school (14 miles) ends up costing $60 for two weeks ($120 a month).

Question 9) How much do groceries usually cost for one person?

Question 10) Never had a job before. I'm applying to groceries stores, department stores, and a few other places I know don't pay much higher than minimum wage.Is there any possible way to acquire a job that pays ~$13 without previous experience?

Would really appreciate it if you guys can answer a few of the questions at least if you can't answer them all (I don't expect you to do all the math for me).
>>> I want to move out when I am 18, how do I do this?