Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Why does everything I own break or gets lost?

Why does everything I own break or gets lost?
Broke my speakers (dropped onto the floor)
Broke my laptop was connect to my phone, which I pulled and the computer come crashing down.
Broke popcorn maker, melted plug onto my hotplate.
scratched my frying pan while getting the plastic off my popcorn maker.
My fish tank broke, god knows why.
Got wet on some rocks my iPhone was in my pocket, stop working.
Punched my iphone because it would not turn off (alarm 3:00am) broken.

Things I've lost
Wireless receiver to my mouse.
My key to my unit.
fossil that I found,
pencil cases (8*)
Calculators (4*)
Added (1). But you see I've near dropped anything.also it's noteworthy that the speaker was my fault because it was connect to my laptop and come crashing down when I pulled it, however my laptop was not (did not pull phone, but tripped over power cord) it was unavoidable and was broken before that.
Added (2). @Bluebellbkk
you might be onto something but here is where it gets strange.

Broke my speakers-my fault pulled speakers come crashing down.

Broke my laptop tripped over cord in some area of space not my fault.

Broke popcorn maker, melted plug onto my hotplate- small area and had contacts out not really my fault,

scratched my frying pan while getting the plastic off my popcorn maker-know that was going happen but I had to get the plastic off.

My fish tank broke, god knows why- not my fault was pre-owned and over 20 years old.

Got wet on some rocks my iPhone was in my pocket, stop working- told my mum this was going to happen but forced me to take it anyway.

Punched my iphone because it would not turn off (alarm 3:00am) broken- my fault and maybe thoughtless.

Wireless receiver to my mouse-, ore misplaced and that thing is 1 cm big, and was lost due to a move.
My key to my unit- through out with takeaway food, maybe thoughtless for not looking in bag.

fossil that I found- was 6
Added (3). I'm going with bad luck since I have fast reflexes.
>>> Why does everything I own break or gets lost?