Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Judging by his actions, what's his motive?

Ok i've known him for a couple of years, mainly on a business/client basis.i have never divulged my feelings for him, as i am good at concealing them since i'm kinda old fashioned and feel that a man will lose respect if a woman chases him.
- one day he's nice and initiates small talk with me… the next day he will totally ignore me and snap if i ask him a question or say anything to him.
- i notice he glances at me every single time a guy comes around or he'll look directly at the guy, and sometimes give him an ice cold stare dead into their eyes if i'm walking away from said guy.i guess to see if the guy is checking me out, or to signal them to back off- that was the vibe i got.
- like he'll arrive at the office and instead of saying hi, he'll say something like, "it's cold out here, you have nothing to cover yourself up with? you ain't cold? it's cold out here.brrrrrr!!" I seldom get cold and plus i was only wearing short sleeves in 58 degree weather cuz i was only outside for a minute.but it kinda irks me that that's the first thing he'd say and put soooooo much emphasis on what i was wearing (t-shirt and slacks).it's like he was trying to tell me how to dress. I had to tell him i don't get cold, i'm from a cold town/state… then he says, "ok, i see, you're just outside for a short time." I felt like he wanted me to answer to him. who would care about something so petty?
- 2 years ago i toldhim my daughter wanted an iphone… last month he asked me kinda angrily/shockingly if i got my daughter the iphone for christmas.i didn't think he'd pay enough attention to remember something so mundane.i told him no, but i got her a smartphone.again, i kinda felt like he was trying to question my spending habits.that, or he was jealous of my ability to possibly afford an iphone.
- have u ladies ever experienced this?
- have u fellas acted this way? if so… why?

См. статью: Judging by his actions, what's his motive?