Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How fast can a man change his mind?

I went to study in a language school in London, I've met a man and we got along really well, we sat together everyday play jokes all the time, he always tease me and asked if I had ever herd the song ' magic' I said no so he sang me the whole song and turn it on from his iPhone, he always put his arm on my chair's backrest and tell me about his culture and ask about my culture about wedding ceremony, he gave me an Italian name and use that name to called me and text. He's Italian,23, I'm oriental,17. Now, I'm back to my country keep texting him once a week but I can't play joke like talk in person cause he may not get it, before I tried to flirt him via texting he replied me immediately after saw it but when he back to Italy he text me less and sometimes left my text unreply or sometimes his reply was so short and didn't put much emoji like he used to do, sometimes his reply sounds like I annoy him but I just text him a bit more without any loving words and I just called him the name I gave him that he said he liked it but he told me he prefer his name. I understand he's busy with work but he has all Sunday that I usually text him on Sunday. Yesterday I texted him my intention to keep being like when we're together then he replied that he's lazy typing so I suggested skype he replied ' let's see, I don't know how busy will I be with my work' all this happen in just 5 months and he changed a lot! Am I being too clingy/push/creepy? Is he feel annoyed or he's really busy?

Read more: How fast can a man change his mind?