Thursday, May 14, 2015

Should I get an iMac or a desktop PC?

My friend would sell me his 21.5 inch iMac with 16 gb ram, i3 3.06ghz processor, 512mb graphics 500gb for $660 or I could buy a PC with 1tb, 8gb ram (would upgrade this to 16), 2gb graphics (NVidia GTX 960), and an i7 for $1100. I have an iPhone and I am familiar with Apple and he would also throw in the keyboard, mouse, trackpad, and parallels into the deal, but the computer is outdated and definitely wouldn't be as fast as the PC. Also the PC has much better graphics. I want to play some games like planetside 2, but nothing more demanding than that. Additionally, I already own a keyboard, mouse and monitor, so I wouldn't need to buy those. On the other hand, PC's can get viruses very easily and I don't want to have to worry about that, but the computer would be upgradeable which would be really nice to have, whereas Macs aren't. So, which one should I get? Thanks in advance!
Added (1). This is the PC

Read more: Should I get an iMac or a desktop PC?