Thursday, August 9, 2012

Guy Problem: Guys Advice Needed?

So long story short, know this guy for like 6 years, we were best friendz. The he asked me out, and I sort of screwed everything up by accident. We didn't talk since then (this was 3 YEARS AGO) I am still madly in love w/ this guy. Randomly he messages me saying
"hey I'm a friend, message me anytime. I have facveook on my phone, ipad, and ipod"
***My status was "I'm bored no friendz online"***
Anyway, I was soo happy, we had a short and sweet convo, but he was working at his dads shop, so he couldn't reply right away. I messaged him a few times since then. He cheered me up when I was feeling really upset the next day. Now its been 2 days and I message him something like "Hey hows it goin?" and he doesn't reply!!!
I dont mind if he replys like the next day, but he doesn't reply ever!
I really want to invite him over, or go to the park play with my dog, or something. Just as friendz. I would love to be his GF, but I dont even know if hes single. I know he hangs out with girls, he has a wide range of friendz, boys and girls. I dont know if hes dating one of the girls. He DID ask me out, and he had a crush on me for a while before he asked me out… he always tryed to show off… was naming all of his "Ipod, Ipad, Iphone, etc." showing off?

Anyway, hes not replying, things are awk between us, I dont know how he feels about me… he did say he was my friend… how do I ask him to hang out… I REALLY WANT TO BE FRIENDZ AGAIN
**We haven't seen eachother in 3 YEARS and JUST started talking… and its failing in my opionion**

Guys what should i do?

My questions are:
How does he feel about me?
How do I ask to hang out as friendz (I have no idea what he does during the summer)?
How do I find out if I'm annoying him?
>>> Guy Problem: Guys Advice Needed?